Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Deciding to nominate for the ALIA Board Decision was not an easy decision to make. However after celebrating 25 years in and around the library community, I felt it was important to contribute in a manner that may be helpful to the profession of librarianship in general.

The encouragement by numerous ALIA members was the catalyst for deciding to run.

In my various roles as an employee, director and volunteer, many life skills have been learnt from situations, both positive and negative. Hopefully these skills, attitudes and values can be put to good use in my role as n ALIA Board member

The issues facing the profession are very much mirrored in the library supply sector. We also understand the pressures and pleasures that our community experiences. Responding to these events and changing environments requires us to deliver the best outcomes possible.

5 key strategic issues will be my primary focus if elected to the Board :

1. Enhancing the perception and roles of librarians and information workers in the
2. Providing increasing value for ALIA Membership
3. Responsible management of the Association finances
4. Developing more professional development opportunities
5. Improving job opportunities for Association members

Any comments, questions or ideas are welcome and very important. Your interaction and engagement will make a difference.

Let's engage!

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